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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Robbed of Joy?

Ever since I chose my new year's resolution... or more aptly as it feels... it chose me... I have been attuned to the word 'joy'.  When I uttered those words... " my resolution is... I choose joy"... My mind like the tide of water in a creek rounding a boulder has been flowing, swirling, and spinning off tide pools of their own.

What is joy?

How does the pursuit of joy affect other dimensions of a Spirit led life?

There are other questions that indeed deserve a blog of all their own, but lately I have been faced by circumstance after circumstance in the lives of those I love and my own of joy burglaries.  Friends robbed of their joy.  They and myself challenged to pursue joy when it is so easy to feel slighted, targeted, offended, and often times resentful.  We may claim these as fruits of justice.  That what has happened in our lives or someone else's life isn't right.... The sentiment may follow... "We DESERVE... "

Whether in personal life or professional life, I see instances where the joy burglar has left his sneaky fingerprints.  The evidence undoubtedly points to his involvement.  The name of this joy burglar?  He is one of a bandit of many, but I think he may be the ring leader.  His name is Ego.

Let me be the first to raise my hand and admit.... I have been burglarized by the Ego Bandit.  Heck,in the past I've just opened the door and let him right in, if we're being honest.

I catch the thought that opens the door and it could sound anything like this...

... If only they knew such and such, they would act differently

... Why am I always the one....

... I must defend such and such from so and so, because such and such way that I know is best...

In so many ways it can sounds harmless or even like a good plight to fight, but when it comes down to it I really think my ego stands to be the victim, and it causes me to act in ways that land in the category of self preservation.

The die of humility must be cast.  I think its why so many of us find comfort in the old hymn It is Well with my Soul.  When do we come to a point where it's the end of our will?  How do we differentiate contentment and humility from just losing our invested interest and disengaging?  Its a bigger battle... its a harder battle than the one that wages for my Ego.  So often I fall easily into the trap of defending my ego.  Its a spirited fight and something that is just so easy to engage.  Putting one's ego in check, even if "rightfully so" is a much more strategic and challenging war.  Its more than about the battle, its a longer term impact, and thus my use of the word "war".  At the reality of it, I have to ask, do I want to fight in the here and now and, or am I willing to defend my joy from being stolen by strategically checking my spirit, embracing humility, seeking and giving grace.

Friday, January 1, 2016

A Resolution | The Journey to Joy

Several months ago my friends and family joined with me and my husband on a fun little endeavor... the naming of our second child.  What began as an open call for suggestions took on a life of its own and played out as a four region bracket that should go down in baby naming madness history.  Campaigning, sleepless nights, and facebook stalking were all discussed side effects from family and friends who really made the whole experience really fun and quite the ... experience.

What it taught me is that life is more fun when people can join in on the journey.

A couple of days ago I caught GMA and one segment discussed top New Year's resolutions and how to keep them.  The best way people could keep them were by making their decisions public.

Badda bing badda boom.... here we are.

The last five years or so I've had the unique experience where a word comes to me.  It's not a word I usually use in my every day vernacular, or even particularly a word that is part of my constitution.  If anything, its just the opposite, and I'm challenged by it.  I can talk more about those experiences at some other time, but all that is to say that in the last month the password is JOY.  After the last few years of words like Abiding or Grace, its like rain on a hot Texas day, but my experiences with even these other words cause me to know joy won't likely come in an outright rainbow.  Its likely going to be something learned through perseverance of some kind.  I like to think I'm finally picking up a little on what God's been laying down after a relationship all these years.

While my resolution comes in the form of a word, I decided I'd phrase it to make it more "resolutiony"... I choose joy.

So here's to the start, here's to the unknown, here's to the year ahead.  Here's to the journey to joy.