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Friday, January 1, 2016

A Resolution | The Journey to Joy

Several months ago my friends and family joined with me and my husband on a fun little endeavor... the naming of our second child.  What began as an open call for suggestions took on a life of its own and played out as a four region bracket that should go down in baby naming madness history.  Campaigning, sleepless nights, and facebook stalking were all discussed side effects from family and friends who really made the whole experience really fun and quite the ... experience.

What it taught me is that life is more fun when people can join in on the journey.

A couple of days ago I caught GMA and one segment discussed top New Year's resolutions and how to keep them.  The best way people could keep them were by making their decisions public.

Badda bing badda boom.... here we are.

The last five years or so I've had the unique experience where a word comes to me.  It's not a word I usually use in my every day vernacular, or even particularly a word that is part of my constitution.  If anything, its just the opposite, and I'm challenged by it.  I can talk more about those experiences at some other time, but all that is to say that in the last month the password is JOY.  After the last few years of words like Abiding or Grace, its like rain on a hot Texas day, but my experiences with even these other words cause me to know joy won't likely come in an outright rainbow.  Its likely going to be something learned through perseverance of some kind.  I like to think I'm finally picking up a little on what God's been laying down after a relationship all these years.

While my resolution comes in the form of a word, I decided I'd phrase it to make it more "resolutiony"... I choose joy.

So here's to the start, here's to the unknown, here's to the year ahead.  Here's to the journey to joy.