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Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Stretch

Team one is ... number one!

At Concordia our 20 person cohorts are divided into teams of four. With in our four person teams we work together on group projects in each of the classes. With my team (known as team 1), I've had the pleasure of putting together a SWOT analysis on TI, the Central Texas Banking Industry, and in Leadership we just presented on seeing Leadership in everyday life.

My team took the movie of Forrest Gump, and each team member took moments from the movie in which Forrest showed distinction and leadership. My part focused on the running theme throughout the movie. I dressed in a track suit to present, even jogging to the podium to start my piece of the presentation. My team did such an excellent job, and the end result was landing first place out of all the teams, as decided by a panel of judges. Beyond winning bragging rights, we each received a $25 gift card to Starbucks!

While I may not take such an outlandish approach to most of my presentations, I love Dr. Donald Christian's teaching style, embracing creativity and going out on a limb. We are able to dream in new colors under his guidance, and I'm embracing the opportunity fully. This next week our Leadership Manifesto is due. I am excited to use the opportunity to ask myself, what does the perfect leader look like to me, and how can I see myself in this light? Rarely do we stop to ask ourselves, in a perfect world, who would I be? Now we begin to put this idea together, and over the next 5 semesters, we'll flesh it out further, and hopefully begin reaching our full potential.

Economics provided a great overview of the semester, and coming next week is the big final! I've already asked for the day off with some of my comp time, so I look forward to studying and mastering all the material for this final leg of our economic journey.

It's so hard to believe 14 weeks have gone by. It feels we just got started, and yet the relationships with the other students already feel long standing. I don't know that you'd call us family, but we are growing close, and I know the relationships we are building will be ones we cherish for many many years to come.

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