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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sensitivity Training

The past couple of weeks I've seen gender coming into play in various roles of my involvements.  I'll start by saying I've never been a feminist, and have strong ideals that all should be given an equal chance.  As a woman, I am not asking for reparations, just a fair chance. 

Recently, I was seeking some clarity on a project I am involved in, and to get to the long and short of it, I was told I was being withheld from a particular role, even though I was doing the work already, because I am female.  Now to cut to the chase, since this was told to me, an announcement has been made and I am now serving in said role.

However, I just really struggled with the implications this means for me and how this "career world" isn't what I wish it would be. 

On Tuesday night in class I had asked my professor for just some articles on the expectations of the work place.  It was ironic that most of the articles she had printed for me discussed the role of a professional woman.  CNN provided an article titled: 8 ways women can get ahead in the workplace.  Here's a link to it: p://  The very first piece of advice- Quit thinking the workplace is fair. 

It was a tough pill to swallow.

I woke up several days later, and I was just in a funk about it all.  Part of it is that I'm being told something that I just frankly found it hard to believe someone would say in the 21st century.  Another part concerns me about the liabilities this creates.  The organization doesn't have HR, and I just wonder- where might we get some sensitivity training?

It was early, and I knew I had to find a way to "deal with this" before my day was really underway, so I called my favorite early bird... my mom.

My mom brings a new dynamic to Christian leadership.  She spends multiple hours a day in her scripture reading, prayer and meditation.  Her leadership may come off as passive, but she's one of the most active prayer warriors I know.

That morning, she must have been spending some extra time with Jesus, because her response was just so in line with God's will for me.  When she first talked with me, it wasn't at all what I wanted to hear, but as she shared, I knew it would be the words that develop me into a stronger leader.  There's no way I can add in her voice- I'm too straight and to the point, but here's the bullets:
1. Sometimes God gives us these struggles not because we are supposed to do something immediately about it, but he's entrusting us with a vision for what may be at play.
2.  Being entrusted with this information, we must serve as God's carriers, and not be reactive, or disclose too much.
3. Take time and wait.  Pray and seek Gods will and God's redemption from the struggle.  Sometimes it has more to do with my own development than the actual issue at hand.

I won't pretend that I have this mastered, and I will admit I have a sensitive heart and an active can do attitude, which may mean initial knee jerk reactions that cause myself hurt or grudges with those who inflict careless words.  But in this case I see God working in my own leadership through His personalized course in sensitivity training.  I'm going to swallow this pill, and do what may seem to some as passive.  I will not follow-up on the comments, but I will turn to the Lord and see how he can grow me.  I know God has big plans for my life, and He is in control of my career.  To God there are no glass ceilings, and I trust him in my passions and endeavors for all I do, because really it is who I become in these undertakings that really matters.


  1. My goodness, where could we find an HR department to help out? Hmmmm... :-)

  2. Well said Amanda! In the spirit of an entrepreneur, you should rent your mother out for advice! I know that I'd call her!
