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Monday, March 10, 2014

The Boat

It's been a little over a month that little Naomi Joan was born.  She came along at 40 weeks and two days, and while her life was cut short to just that, her story has inspired me, and will continue to live on.

In the days following the loss of Naomi, a song began to play on repeat in my mind. A link is provided here for the curious.  The first words of the song are:

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown, where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep, my faith will stand

In addition to moments like this where time seems to stand still, I've been doing some reading that produces both challenge and clarity.  The book and song encourage me to consider life, and what it means to be like Peter.  To be called out of the boat, out of the known, and out upon the waters.

This very picture was beautifully illustrated in the movie Jesus Christ, Son of God.  From my theater seat, I was able to experience the tumultuous sea and the small wooden boat.  Between two shores, life hung in the balance.

Today, I have to imagine that this is the reality for the parents of Naomi Joan.  Gracefully, they have allowed us to peer into their personal life, and serve as witnesses of what it means to boldly face the storm.  Not only did they get out of the boat, which should be enough to ask, but then, like Peter, they have begun to walk. (Click here to read more of their story).  How can we, some having been spared their particular road to travel, share in their journey?  

We must be intentional and bold.  Yet, often times in search of greatness, we are blind to the things that surround us- the everyday opportunities to offer peace into the stormy lives that surround around us.  To consider what God may be calling us to, when more than likely... or who am I kidding... it absolutely will mean with certainty we must get out of the boat, and walk out our faith.

The point is, between the two shores, we have one life.  In our journey across the sea, we may forget the value of the moment, until little lives, like Naomi or Caroline, remind us that the other side is nearly there.  So while we are at sea, we must trust that life is bigger than the boat and comforts we illusion ourselves of having.  We must have faith that we can walk between the shores.  We must practice love, because His love will always call us out of the boat.

This post is dedicated to Naomi Joan.

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