We discussed the rule of odd numbers... writing paragraphs of 3,5 or 7 sentences. Formulating paragraphs into 3,5 or 7 per section and so on. He gave us some great tools to make our writing almost into a formula, but I have to tease- with all these uses of specific numbers to write, I joke that writing is seeming a bit superstitious!
We also got back our midterms in Accounting this week. Hours and hours of hard work have paid off, and I got an A. We had to turn those back in at the end of class for adjustments, but when I get home with it, it's going right up on the fridge! With both my husband and I in grad school and no kids- these are the types of things that make it to the fridge.
Today held a bit of personal excitement. I was interviewed by Austin Woman Magazine. Turns out, I will be featured in the March Edition. I only make mention of this, because I shared with the reporter the importance of my MBA, and how I love the program. I'm not sure if the material will make the cut, but be on the look out for the WOW (Women of Williamson County)when March's Austin Woman Magazine hits news stands all over Travis and Williamson County!
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