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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 4, Semester 3

First exam in Finance completed!  Leading up to the exam I felt our professor give some great coaching through examples and practice problems.  Although, compared to the exam, on a scale of 1-10, I'd put the practice problems at a 4-6 and the test at a 8-9.  I have to say I'm really happy with how our professor seems to have a great handle on dispelling anxiety and plays a great offense :).  Its not even been a whole week and I already know my grade on the exam and know we will talk through the exam in our next class.

I'm working on my second Case Study paper.  2 page papers used to never take this much time to write in the past, but these days its almost more difficult to cover the expected content in the brevity required.  It reminds me how in undergrad we became kings and queens of beating around the bush and long windiness.  Now the key is to be succinct!  This week I focused on ethics of marketing targeting a population's perceived vulnerabilities. I stretched this concept to include how those in development and fundraising should maintain specific ethical standards to prevent any issues that could arise when providing an appeal to any target market.

This week I have to really put my rear in gear, because I have some vacation time planned, and I don't plan to bust out my laptop from Yosemite!  Two weeks done in one week, but it will be worth it!

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