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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An MBA- more than an education

It's amazing the difference I see in myself since starting this MBA program just 9 months ago.  I know I've described previously this learning curve in my knowledge and writing, butit continues to hit me how it's helping me to develop personally and professionally. 

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend, who I truly respect.  He has a successful career in politics, and has been involved in the initial year that my friend and I launched the young professionals development program for a local Chamber of Commerce.  He asked me what the launching and running of that program has taught me.  It took me a second before I responded.  I said that the program has given me confidence, and that I have thoroughly enjoyed the development process.  Investing in other people to see just how great they can become, and you know when you see them reach new peaks in their own journey, you feel included and so happy for their success.  

Thinking back about my response, I know that in each part of my answer, that my MBA program has played some role.  I certainly have seen the development of my own confidence through the program.  There's also something just to the educational process, when done right, that leaves a theme of empowerment on every part of your life.  With wonderful professors who invest in their students, I just feel incredibly motivated to take that investment and pay it forward.  Since I don't make "the big bucks" my investment is time, encouragement and an intent to be "life giving".  Not to diverge much farther, but I consider it an honor to have only that to give.  It gives all that more meaning to how intentional one has to be with life and the people that surround you.  With money, it seems almost just too easy to give it away.  Such a precious commodity of time and investment in others has great cost, but can also have great rewards.

As I concluded my lunch with my friend, I discovered he too had been through his MBA.  He looked back on his memories, and I could see myself in the present.  He talked about his cohorts and how they have become life long friends.  I thought about the other people in my current cohort, so glad to know that what we're creating now will be a life long network of friendships.  I asked him- was it all worth it?  He said DEFINITELY!

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