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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 Isn't as Far Away as it Once Was (An Obvious Statement)

Its hard to believe that this really is the last week of 2011.  This year just blew past me, and I'm thinking it may have something to do with the fact that I was in the MBA program for the full calendar year.  Semesters can at times seem like a mountain, and 15 weeks can stretch on longer than you think.  But as you jump from deadline to deadline and project to project, the weeks of the year really do seem to fly.  I really remember like it was last week when I was writing with excitement about all I was learning in both Marketing and Economics.  Graduation in 2012 seemed forever away.  Yet here we are, about 7.5 months away from completion.

Its the end of a year, so aptly I'm thinking about goals and what I will resolve to do.  It's no easy task, but to say I'll complete my MBA seems like a given.  To add anything above and beyond this task may get me in trouble with my husband, who tends to think I'm already a bit maxed out (foreshadowing about husband's wisdom comment in next paragraph).  So I consider how to compliment this end goal, so that not only do I complete it, but I complete it well.  For some that automatically means finishing strong in a GPA, and to this point I've been dedicated, but I recognize an MBA is not all about the grades.

This weekend we went to Arkansas to visit my husband's family for the holidays.  (In case I have not mentioned it, I think my husband is just one of the wisest people out there).  On our way to drive up to Fayetteville for a Razorback basketball game, we talked with his younger sister.  Fresh out of college, she's just getting started in her adult life, and Matt and I took turns at trying to offer advice.  Mine reflected getting focused, perhaps giving her time to volunteer (and all the benefits of volunteering) and having a busy schedule to help her structure her time and drive her to focus on what she wants to accomplish. My husband, who is alot like his sister, focused more on her making her the best she can be right now.  He offered these three points. 1- Don't underestimate the value of sleep.  Your body needs it, and you really can only be ready for the tasks of the day when you've had a routine fair share. 2- Value exercise.  The endorphins your body gets puts you physically and mentally in a better position to face challenges and be the best person you can be. 3- Find a hobby. Something you can do to get away and just have that time to focus and enjoy something you love.

So I think I'll take a step back and try life from my husband's perspective.  I think I'll make these my complimentary goals, and place a stronger emphasis on a routine bedtime.  I'm not going to become Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I'll set a goal to exercise 3 times a week, and be ready to do the Diva Dash 5K in April and our National Park Hike to Glacier in the Fall.  And as for my hobby... I'm debating on strengthening my Spanish skills, building a raised garden or learning how to paint.  Spanish really could compliment my MBA, but takes brain power, and that's a limited resource as of right now.  Gardening takes dedicated time, which I'm also running short on, and I don't have any painting supplies or know how, and I don't really have the funds to make that happen while paying for school.  Perhaps  I'll just keep this as a carrot to reward myself once I'm done with my MBA, and attempt to start one of these before January 2013, which, if next year goes anything like this one... will be here in no time.

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