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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Taking A Leap of Faith- God Provides

July of 2010- I received my acceptance letter to the new Concordia MBA Program... and the first bill.  Suddenly- going back to school became a reality, and that shifted late night conversations with my husband about the dreams of going back to school to the "hows" of making it happen.  Working for a nonprofit has plenty of perks, but pay is generally not known to be one of them.  Matt was also a full-time graduate student, and his upcoming practicum and internship would make getting a job pretty difficult.  Resources were tight to say the least, and I specifically remember sitting on the couches in our living room, and we had just received the letter outlining the financial obligations of the program.  Matt, the pragmatist in our relationship (in case you haven't already picked up that obvious trait), didn't see how we could make this happen without going further into debt.  Already, we were having to do most of his schooling through student loans.  The reality was we were going to be over $40,000 in debt by the end of these endeavors.  And here I was- wanting to go back to school without any real clarity about how this would benefit my future. 

It seemed a bit of a stretch to make sense of it; however, for about 3 years I had been playing with the idea of my MBA.  After a Business Women's Luncheon with a local speaker talking about education and another local MBA Program, I just couldn't extinguish the thought.  The fire was sparked, and to be honest, I really felt the Lord putting it on my heart in preparation for where He's taking me.  I also through prayer, felt the Lord taking me to Concordia, in lieu of my contacts with the other program's Director.  It was tough, because Concordia was about $6,000 more, but it's focus on nonprofits, the ability to spend more time at home and with my family, and the Lord's leading, in general, just made this the decision for me- and I didn't even apply to the other.

It was a long conversation that night, and my dreams and stubborn drive (in case you haven't already picked up that obvious trait) made the case, and Matt said he would support my decision.

In the following months, a contact I had made in the community approached me about a scholarship she knew of, and I received $1,000.  It was just a portion of the total bill school would cost, but it was enough for God to demonstrate his provision, and for us to move forward.  Then the school received a generous scholarship from a personal donor for the first MBA scholarship, and wouldn't you know- God again demonstrates His faithfulness.  Then, Matt and I felt convicted that we really shouldn't go into anymore debt, and that whatever it took, we would try to pay for the semesters as we went.  And then the freezes from salary increases at work was lifted.  I crossed paths with a lady from a local association, and she remembered to include me in the request for applications for their scholarships, and God again has been faithful to provide.  All in all, $12,500 has been provided in the means of scholarships.  Concordia MBA offers $50 off per credit hour, because I work for a nonprofit.  So far I have taken 24 credit hours, so this equals $1,200, adding up to a grand total of $13,700 in provision.  I say this not that I may boast, but to demonstrate that when God guides your path- He provides.  Now I had to be faithful in my part of applications, and even some declines in scholarships, but if we are steadfast and do our part, He will make a way. 

I just wanted to write this as an encouragement to anyone who may have a God inspired dream- and also to give the Lord a shout-out.  Wait on His timing.  There were times I wanted to go back before that never really amounted to much, but once I really felt Him say go- it just really has been a time of provision... and all in His timing.  Step by step, He is so faithful.

So here I am, ready to begin semester 5 out of 6 in the Concordia MBA.  Through God's provision, its looking more and more like my actual expenses with the program will actually be the difference in cost between the two programs I had been considering, or less.  I could not have seen that coming from that night of conversations on the couch, but I suppose that's why we leave our futures in His hands. 

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