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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Full Circle

Time is absolutely flying when it comes to where we are now in the MBA Program.  This week is Spring Break, which would be a little more fun if not accompanied with a 40 hour work week.  All the same, the week break from homework is welcomed, and I think I will assume the position of couch potato to celebrate my night not in class.

We're 2/3rds of the way through the 5th semester.  Even at that I stumble and still want to write 4th.  It's hard to believe 10 weeks has already gone by, and really to me, it has only felt like 4 or 5.  Our 10 week class on Business, Society and Public Policy is now concluded.  and I have to say I really enjoyed the class.  We had the opportunity to draft a Policy Briefing, which I used to help me become more informed on policy currently staring down our STARRY agency when it comes to the State's redesign of the foster care system.  We also had the opportunity to either expand this topic into a full blown research paper or to research something new.  While it would have been a bit of an easier road to expand on an already put together paper, I wanted to stretch myself and really do some research on a topic I find fascinating.  I researched the L3C designation and the possible establishment of a fourth sector, known as for benefit.  My references weren't as clean as the briefing, but I gave myself the opportunity to expand my horizon and really learn about something I find interesting.  We haven't gotten our grades back, so I'm hopeful this decision doesn't negatively impact my GPA.

Next week we start our third Leadership class.  This one focuses on community dynamics and I'm getting a jump start on the reading, and LOVING IT!  Maybe tonight, as I "couch potato" my evening, perhaps I can continue through the chapters and that way I can enjoy the class, instead of just trying to make it through the readings.

I think I also see a shift in our Complex Decision Making class.  The case studies are coming to a close, and I'm hopeful this means we get a bit of a breather before our final project- a sustainability study!  My team is actually focusing on Concordia University, and the Vice Provost took time from his busy schedule to meet with us and share his perspective on the school.  He was very engaging, and even offered to meet with us again to help answer additional questions.

As we wrapped up class last week, Dr. Brazier clarified expectations in Semester 6.  Its the first time I heard the word Graduation, and I felt an element of reality that the word never carried before.  Am I tired of case studies? No doubt.  But what will it really be like when I don't have class to look forward to each week?  This has been such a fun opportunity to push myself for growth, and dream bigger dreams. I've seen myself in a new light.  I've grown confidence and new skill sets.  I have some fear and hope these will be sustained beyond this point of graduation.

Its been a long time since I've looked back to some of my earliest posts, but two concepts stand out from the flow of my last paragraph.  I remember in my earlier writings trying to identify what I wanted to get out of my MBA- and without an intentional plant, I have just identified those two things as a result of my work here-  confidence and new skill sets. Both have come as a result of classroom interactions, a reflection on the quality of students that surround me, projects, group projects, papers, and lots and lots of reading.  It's been hard work, but unbelievably I have accomplished the goals I originally set out to do.

Another sign that this journey's almost come full circle...

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