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Friday, July 6, 2012

The end is just the beginning

Graduation is now more than a light at the end of a long dark tunnel.  It's technically a month away from two days ago.  Now technically we have two weeks of class required after that, so there's 6 more weeks of MBA as we know it.

This has been a tremendous experience for me, and I am so thankful I decided to take on this additional challenge the last two years.  I've gained remarkable friends through the program, learned far beyond what I ever would have gained in the work place, and have the confidence to know what I can specifically bring to a team.  I've identified my strengths both personally and professionally, and I am eagerly looking for opportunities within my work and volunteering to utilize these skills.

I'm so glad for the experience, but also eager for it to come to a close.  I've been putting together agendas for my capstone team's meetings, and on this last one, I outlined what projects remained that we didn't have completed yet.  There were only like 4 projects left.  We put together a suggested timeline, and I'm hopeful that we will have absolutely everything ready to go and completed by Aug.3rd.

August 3rd is a special date for me... as I've mentioned in a prior post, there's a new development on the way for the Keeter's, due Christmas Day.  I've been very conscious about mentally finishing school out before I really dive into anything baby related.  We've not talked names, we haven't picked out nursery themes, we've been holding for Aug 3rd.  August 3rd is our second sonogram, and supposedly when we find out if we're having a son or daughter.  For me the 4th will not only mark graduation, and the following celebration, but it's when we will share with our families the sex of the baby.  For me this will be such a celebration.  It will be the marker of completing the race.  Of working to put both my husband and me through school, of finalizing a chapter of a successful run at an MBA (currently, still holding onto that 4.0), and the real marker of the beginning of Matt and my next chapter with starting a family.  I'll be learning how to balance who I am as an advocate for community and some one's momma. I'll get to balance thoughts from innovation and entrepreneurship to names and nurseries.  Really, as I finish out school, I get that feeling after you've finished packing and are just about to head out on a big trip.  The tools are there.  Everything's prepared- now it's time to go.  The journey's just beginning.

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