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Monday, June 25, 2012

Grace for the Moment

Tomorrow's class includes a deliverable of a paper to discuss what's next after graduation.  I've been putting it off a little because I have to be honest and say, currently I really don't know.  Through my MBA program I've seen a real transition in my thought process.  I came in as a doer/ postitioner, looking for that next challenge that would lead to the next opportunity.  Throughout the last two years, I've been challenged by the idea, that what I do really flows out of who I am.   This statement I am about to make may not make sense to anybody else, but- who I am is a state of being present, rather that the eye that is always planted in the future.

Throughout my MBA, we've had incredible guest speakers.  The President of American Airlines, Founders of Golfsmith and Founders of Impact Austin.  In each of these sectors, the story that connects each of these individuals was that they were fully present and did what they were currently tasked with to the best of their abilities.  They didn't have their eye on the next promotion or what their company or organization would be in the distant future.  They sought the full allocation and utilization of their current resources.  And it was on that platform that they embraced "what's next".

This last week took a bit of an unexpected turn for me.  I had been serving in a voluntary position for a local organization, and at a recent board meeting I was presented next year's slate of officers.  It was to my surprise that the only name not listed was my own.  As quickly as a chairman can say "all in favor" and the crowd responds "Aye", my involvement was sealed.  I received several calls from other board members and upcoming leadership (I am blessed with such caring and supportive friends).   What appears to have occured is one group was tasked with the 3 year appointments, and another the 1 year appointments.  Individuals in both groups made the assumption that I was on the other's slate.

Immeditately, I was hurt, feeling my involvement or services were no longer needed, and I wasn't given a heads up as a courtesy.  However, over the weekend I've found grace and peace in where God is leading.  I sense change all around me, like David Crowder's song that talks about God's love like a hurricane.  There have been opporutnities recently presenting themselves, such as the conversation I recently had with a Supreme Court Justice.  I have to believe that God knows what I see as opportunities that I would find it near impossible to walk away from, and then help me release those so I can be present and ready in the moment for the next thing He brings to my journey.

So perhaps a starting place for my paper isn't what is in the future so much is taking the time to be present.  To fully invest in the opportunities life presents us, and in those "opportunities" to fully embrace and extend grace.  To know in the moment how we respond to pressure and awkward circumstance, so that in the future we can be better leaders.  To revere the times when life can provide pain or hurt, to know it only deepens our human experience and allows us to connect with others in ways we wouldn't have been able to previously.  And largely, to be at peace with the abiss of the future- the beautiful enigma, which we can try to shape and craft with our skills, tallents or labels of plans.  To sit and rest in the hurricane of what may be, finding grace for the moment.

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