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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 10- My first graduate class is done!

Dave Ramsey has this concept of a debt snowball. If you are unfamiliar with it, he suggests that the best way to tackle the mountain of debt is by taking the smallest debt, and paying it off first. The concept is that by setting yourself up for small victories, the taste of success drives you on! Last night was week 10, and the final evening with Marketing Management with Professor Warren, and just like that, we're done! One class down... the taste of victory is fresh, and we march on to tackle the mountain of our 2 year MBA.

One thing I appreciate about our MBA experience is the value placed on reflection. In a fast paced world focused on change and what's next, Concordia knows that transformation begins from within. While most of us came to the decision of achieving our MBA with the drive for change or what's next on our journey, we are now encouraged to "take in the journey" as we travel to this destination.

Reflections on the last 10 weeks.
I can already see so much growth just from where I began 10 weeks ago. Just 10 weeks ago I came in confident, but not knowing what I didn't know, just that there was a need. 10 weeks later, I find myself confident knowing more and taking the honest look at having a more detailed idea of what I still have yet to learn. It's a good place. It keeps you humble, open to the realm of teaching possibilities. At the same time I'm "gaining my legs" in my current work place. I have confidence in new ideas, better ways of getting the job done, and a splinter of discomfort in a comfortable environment. I still have opportunities to grow, but I can see from the horizon that there may come a time that I'll have to determine what opportunities will continue to challenge me as my skill set continues to grow.

These 10 weeks have been full of teachable moments for both Concordia and me. I appreciate the open nature of the professors, faculty, and Program Director to our honest feedback. Another student summarized her thoughts well stating- I feel an obligation to let Concordia know what is working and what can be done better. It's not only my education, but the experience of the classes that come behind us.
What an incredible journey to grow ourselves, have the experience of pioneering a new program and the great opportunity of laying the groundwork for those who will follow. If you have the true spirit of the entrepreneur and want to give something, to mold, and to leave your imprint while receiving your MBA, well... that's what the Concordia MBA means to me.

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