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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kicking it up a notch... the work, school, and personal life balance

This semester, I anticipate, will teach me much about perseverance. Just this week we had over 150 pages of reading and more take home problems with Accounting. Accounting, I'm finding to be a bit self taught, and never having taken an Accounting class before, the learning curve and time I'm using to pull myself up to speed has been a real challenge. 5 or 6 other students and myself have resorted to study groups weekly, sometimes twice weekly, spending 30 minutes or more on each problem. I even started a weekly skype call with another student in my class to collaborate on problems we didn't quite understand or had questions about, after we finished as much of our homework as possible.

To the point of the Study Groups- Its amazing how after one semester how close knit our group is, and how everyone is dedicated to each other's success. I have really come to appreciate my new friends and fellow students. We're all in this together, and I get a sense that we are proactive about no one getting left behind.

The issue with how much our Accounting class is requiring outside group meeting time, topped off with heading into my Foundation's largest event in April, and trying to be intentional about my relationship with my husband has taken up quite the bandwidth. Add to that Co-chairing and creating a young professional development program for the Round Rock CoC, and creating a new program for WIN (Women Impacting the Nation) to help women achieve their goals, and I sometimes feel that I have nearly zero personal time for myself. And yet I have continual goals like serving on the Chamber Board, and I have even submitted an application for a Governor Appointment. I'm certainly someone who wants to embrace life and all its opportunities, so I'm wondering how do I do this all, get through Economics, and give Critical Thinking the attention it deserves?

I think this semester will be a great time of learning, not just in the courses I take, but how to create a healthy balance and still accomplish it all.

Stay tuned, and I'll share insights along the journey of... Semester II.

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