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Friday, January 21, 2011

T Minus 2 weeks til midterms

If I haven't shared before, my husband is also in graduate school. He goes full time. He started a year before me, however his degree and mine will conclude within 3 months of each other. It's really enlightening to see his experience versus mine. He goes to TX State for the School Psychology Program. He also has a cohort program, which I think was helpful to me in deciding Concordia instead of some of the other local programs that are not cohort based. He has more of the "regular" school schedule- getting a month off for Christmas, and what not. This week he heads back to spring semester, and our programs are quite different in this regard, because I have my midterms in two weeks!

The Concordia MBA is somewhat of a fast paced program. A total of 6 semesters, allowing me to start in Fall of 2010 and conclude the program in August of 2012. To get this done quickly, generally there are two weeks between semester.s I found that the last "break" was just enough for me to catch my breath. I will say, that since I am working full time, removing a class one night a week from my schedule was hardly noticeable, especially since there was pre-class assignments to be completed over the break. So I personally like getting back in the swing of things especially if it means graduation will come a semester earlier than some of the other local programs.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this experience. I will be really sad when it's over. I love all the people and the opportunity to challenge myself and learn new things. This program fits me like a glove, and I'm thriving...I will eventually be ready to have the weekends back. Can't think about that now... we've got an accounting midterm, and for two weeks, that will be my primary focus!

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