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Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Inspired Journey

This last week I got a message via facebook.  It was from a friend from college, and we haven't seen eachother in quite some time.  Honestly, with only 12 followers, I wasn't exactly sure of the impact of this blog, but then she sent this message:

Hi Amanda,
Just wanted to let you know that I've been following your blog about your grad school process and you have helped inspire me to pursue my MBA. I just got my acceptance letter to Florida Atlantic University's MBA program & thought you may like to know that your blog about your experiences, hopes, struggles, etc. are not falling on deaf ears! Thanks for sharing your journey so honestly!

Getting this message was such an encouragement to know that the decisions we make in life, and our ability to include others in this journey has its impact. 

What if I had decided to ignore that crazy thought of returning to grad school while Matt was in grad school and while living on a nonprofit salary?

I have friends who joined in Cohort 2 and now another has been accepted into Cohort 3. 

Would these two others have ended up in this program or chose to pursue their dreams in this manner? 

Please don't get me wrong- I'm not crediting myself with these three people's entrance into their MBA.  I just wanted to show how important it is that we not only live a life with pride in the path we make for ourselves, but we should be proud of the path being valuable enough for people to join in on the journey.  Are we living lives that inspire greatness in others, and enabling them to fully become all that they can be?


  1. Of course your thoughts, actions and decisions influence others in a postive manner. I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for recording your thoughts and experiences-I have learned so much just from reading. -Cohort 2 student

  2. Thanks Jordan and Christine! Christine, is there anything in particular you would find valuable for me to focus on as I blog, coming in the corhort just next to us?
