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Sunday, June 19, 2011


My husband and I are avid fans of the show LOST.  If you haven't had a chance to catch it, or were one of the many why tried one random episode, and your response was "huh?" instead of "WHAT!" then you may not know what I'm talking about.  For Matt's birthday and Christmas presents we've been collecting one season at a time... and luckily his cousin allowed us to borrow the ones we currently lack.  On weekends this is one way that my husband and I are able to reconnect and just have some downtime together.  If you are a fan of LOST as much as we are, then you will know just how quickly "I'll just watch one more" can turn into three more, and all of the sudden nearly 3 hours have passed.

Since my vacation last week, I have officially missed my first weekly post, so that can give you just an idea of how busy life is right now.  I'm one of those people who do it to myself, so I don't deserve any pity.  This week seems to be just more of that than usual... Saturday morning I hosted a study group for my team members at my office... I got there early to review where we are and prepare for the upcoming Ethics debate.  Once two of my team members got there, we talked Finance for 3 hours to prepare for Tuesday's test.  Saturday night I headed over to my parents house to help them prepare for moving out of my childhood home. Today, being Father's Day, it included church and a meal with my family and extended family, and tonight I have focused in more on Finance for a test I'm feeling less than prepared for.  Tomorrow will be a full day of work, followed up by meeting my study group at Concordia to run through our Ethics debate, and perhaps sneak in some more Finance studying.  Tuesday, after work is the infamous debate and test, and Wednesday and Thursday I'll need to crank out my 8 page individual paper for Ethics.  ( I had full intentions of beginning this prior to the week before its due, but just as I get swept up in LOST, I get caught up in life... and my house represents this "lack of having it together" currently").  Friday I have a friend's party, Saturday I'm throwing my friend's baby shower (of which I still need to buy a gift), and Sunday is a garage sale for my parent's.  My dad is out of town in pre reqs to go back to school to be a nurse, which leaves a heavy load on my mom to get the house ready for moving out.

I find its between the things we want to do, feel obligated to do and need to do that we, that we as students, have to figure out time to get debates, tests and papers done.  However, I refuse to lose my life to this type of rat race.... its when I get caught up in these things that I experience my own personal feelings of  being LOST.

It seems that in this day and age, by giving up on one's personal time, people are treated with kudos and accolades...  yet amidst all this business of the necessary and expediary, people can lose themselves... they can lose their purpose and before they know it, they do great things, but forget what for.

So tonight I cut out sometime just before I hit the sack to admit it... I have been watching episodes of LOST.  I've cut out time... maybe too much time to sit next to Matt under a blanket and reconnect under the guise of smoke monsters, submarines, and a twisting plot of rescues.  I may not be completely prepared for the test, debate or paper, but like always... I'll pull it out.  The important thing is to determine this balance for each person...

I fully recommend that people should push themselves and see what they are really capable of, but - don't forget why you are doing this and don't forget the reasons (who) you  are doing this for.  In the future, I won't be caught up in this impending paper, but I will still have my marriage... and perhaps a kid or two.  And to that end and goal, I can justify making the time for one more episode...

I have last week's post in my mind, but it may be after next week before I get it posted.