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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Leadership's Calling

I received a call yesterday from my favorite community paper.  It was about 3/4ths of the way through the questions that I really realized I was being interviewed and that what I said might actually end up in print.  The questions focused on community leadership- had I ever considered running for city council?  What's stopped me from pursuing this type of leadership?  I'm pretty sure he asked me like 10 other questions, but my brain had kinda fried at that point... What an honor to be on the call list for an article like this... I was just so blown away that I didn't know what I even ended up saying.  I was a little nervous, so I followed the call by sending in my resume, head shot and elaborated on the only two questions I could remember.

What timing!  Right now I'm in the Leadership-Community class, and I've really been wrestling with my desire to build a better community, but how to do that.  I'll be honest, before I moved to Round Rock, there was just something about "elected positions" that just didn't appeal to me.  For one- what responsibility!  A city council of a few people are tasked with the common good of nearly 100,000 people.  Who willingly takes that on?!  I also have had fears that people who pursue those things are in it most of the time with ulterior motives.  Would they do the job if it was guaranteed that no one would know their name?  I've even balanced the value of authenticity and staying true to myself- given the pressure of the recognition these positions receive, can I ensure I'm living the authentic life?  And talk about spot light... I already feel the pressure of living a life Jesus would be reflected in... now you'd have people really looking to you for the example you should be.  And lastly, I know community need by working in nonprofit.  How could I justify raising money to get me into a position, when I know that money could be well used by another purpose?

Last fall I began meeting with my mentor, Scott Alarcon.  If I'm honest, there aren't many people that I "look up to", but the more I get to know him, the more I find him to be a wonderful mentor, authentic Christan, loving husband and family man, who seeks to do what he can to make an impact in his community.  I could go on and on about his character, and how it inspires me to want to be better. 

Widely known fact- Scott serves on the Georgetown Independent School District's school board.  And not just on it.. as the Head of the School Board.

Once every month, Scott and I get together for coffee or lunch.  As I've gotten to know him, I have come to understand how Scott embodies his role as family man, Christian, CEO and public servant... and none of that seems to go against one another.  I understand he works hard on the work/life balance, but through his leadership, I'm beginning to see through the cloud that's hung around my idea of "elected public servant".

Don't get me wrong, and don't expect this to begin some type of campaign for me.  I've always said I'm following the Lord where He leads.  Right now, that's being the best MBA student, the best Children At Heart Ministries' employee, the best wife, and best friend that I'm called to be.  As opportunities present themselves, I like to see how my skill set and talents can serve as a catalyst to better my community.  That's how Ascend got started.  But only the best laid plans are successful if I'm in the Lord's timing.  So its Him I wait on to find how He wants me to lead.  But its also a widely known fact that following the greatest servant who ever lives is probabyly going to take you down the path of serving.

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