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Monday, May 7, 2012

Community Engagement

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Leadership's Calling, and today I got my first look at the article I was interviewed for electronically.  Its a great article about City Council elections in Round Rock and specifically about the uncontested races.

For the City to put on an election it turns an expense of between $20,000-$40,000... can't remember specifically what, but a substantial amount of money.  The reasons for the uncontested races range from a good ole boy's network, or just a general engagement in the current community, to happiness with the current job done, or another could argue voter apathy.  I haven't made up my mind as to why not more are running for elected positions, but I am passionate about an engaged community.  For me its beyond who is turning out to run, but its about those who even feel in tune to vote.  Former Mayor Nyle Maxwell mentioned that its when people are unsatisfied that you have the major issues and everyone turns out.  I think its just out of the love of a community that everyone would turn out, so this community truly would be reflective of them.

For me, this is about an identity.  How do we get over 100,000 people to get to know the influencers, to know the issues and know our history so we know together where we are going.  I'm not saying that if everyone just knew where we had been we'd all be of one accord, but even descent is more attuned and engaged than the apathetic community member.  I'm not saying this is necessarily the nonvoter's issue.  I own this and say how do we reach out? How do we connect?  How does this community retain roots, but grow to become all its capable of?

I'm really interested in this from the grassroots perspective, because when everything is a volunteer commitment, you see true leadership and engagement.  There's no contract dictating one's allegiance or loyalty.  If the community really can come together rallied by non appointed officials, I think you get to see really what a full community is made of, and not just the talents and scope of a select few.

Please don't get me wrong.  I see value in our elected officials.  I am proud that many who currently serve, and hopefully serve in the next 10 years or so, are my friends.  It takes the Nancy Rabb's who have never run for office along with the Alan McGraw's, Round Rock's Mayor, to make this community as great as it is.  And even though it is great, we must never settle or say "this is good enough".  Our community deserves better.  It deserves to be engaged. 

Once I get my MBA, I've got to figure out how I fit in all this to truly engage my community.

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