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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Considering Consulting?

As mentioned in previous posts, I now find myself in the last semester of the MBA Program.  This week was week 3 of the final 15.

I got to class early .  A couple of groups were meeting in adjacent classrooms finalizing their presentations and I sat with my friend Michael and was joined by our friend Cathy briefly in our class room.  Kevin was practicing with his group, but for a moment it was just us- the original group from the first two semesters.  I reminisced a little- thinking about those early days of group meetings.  How I was much more timid those days about what this whole going back to school thing is all about.  Later in the night I laughed when one of my current group members jokingly and lovingly referred to me as "boss".  (There's a first for everything)! 

This semester, each team had to declare a project manager.  Since our capstone project is related to nonprofit work, the team unanimously nominated me, and I'm thrilled at the opportunity to put into practice what I've learned.  Course this team doesn't make it hard.  I've got a team that just seems to ooze excellence, and I really consider it an honor to be partnered this final semester with them.

I feel this week our Capstone project is going to finally gain some traction and momentum.  Today I will provide our clients with an agenda and prospectus to review at our luncheon on Thursday.  Our outcome of the projected will be a tailored strategic plan for one of Easter Seal's of Houston's newest programs- Bridging Apps. (  The website serves as a portal for educational apps that can be used for children and people with special needs.  The program is a merger from two sets of founders and our hope is that our work will provide them with a strong and shared foundation for the road ahead.

I'm enjoying the opportunity to serve in a "consultant's role", and after having read A Consultant's Calling, I wonder more about the pace and lifestyle to pull something like this off for multiple clients.  I have the benefit of working for a family of nonprofits, and wonder if these skills I've developed could be utilized in a professional way here in my own backyard.  I came into my MBA program wanting to help nonprofits utilize these business skills to serve more with less.  Knowing what I know now, and heading into my second opportunity to work for a client building a strategic plan, I see that I will have the ability and know how to do this in practice.  I'm really happy about what this means for my future, even though God's still not quite shown me what that looks like.  I guess all one can do is stay tuned...

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