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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Developments

When I began my MBA I knew I was setting out to test my limits like never before.  I was already providing the single income for my husband and I and supporting him through grad school.  Taking on 6 hours additionally each semester seemed like a mountain... a surmountable challenge, but a challenge none the less.  I knew I was putting myself in the position of pressure cooker, but it's funny how the mind can rationalize things... When it came down to it, the "truth" I bought into was "you can do anything for two years". 

And you really do find, that the uncontrolled variable in life that you can always count on is that time continues.  No matter what you do, two years from now, you will be 2 years older, 2 years of life will have passed, assuming you're alive.  And here I stand, 22 months later.  What I've gained is invaluable, and I've SURVIVED!  I've almost done my two years.

Matt finished his grad program several weeks ago, and has nailed down a contract for this next year.  In August I'll graduate from this MBA Program, Matt will be salaried, and we can count on two incomes again, and the newest developments??? Well I wanted to test my limits once again, and I now find myself navigating papers and group projects with the constant threat of nausea, because our newest little development is due on Christmas Day!  I'll actually find out the sex of the baby the week after my graduation, and plan to do some type of graduation party/ gender reveal in one of the two weekends following graduation.

I'm not going to lie- This has been the biggest challenge through the whole program.  I've been sick for almost 6 weeks straight, and currently get sick 1-2 times a day.  It makes it hard to function at a basic level, and on top of that working through the capstone and all the assignments of this final semester is certainly challenging.  But hopefully, I can continue to give it my best shot, and who knows, I might just make it through this program with my 4.0 intact.

We're 7 weeks through the final 15 weeks.  Only 8 more weeks, and one of those is the Capstone Presentations.  So hard to believe this chapter, no, this book is coming to an end. 

Last night in Leadership-Making a Difference, we took turns looking back over the program and talked about the take aways.. why a personal leadership philosophy is important.  It was like a moment we could all look back and see the value in the journey.  It was a big surreal and really marked, for me, the beginning of the end.  But as I've often noted, one's ending is just another's beginning, and I am so excited about the new journey that lies before me.

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