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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week Three- First Test

Hello and good bye week 3 of class. I was glad to be back in the mix of things, unfortunately I came back from Yellowstone and the glorious Grand Tetons to a test. The tension in the room was pretty thick... no one quite knowing what to expect from our first exam in Marketing. The test was over chapters 1-7, and we were supposed to have read chapters 5-7 for discussion in this very same class period. To make it manageable, the test was 25 questions, to be completed in 30 minutes, open book.

Needless to say we survived, and my eyes have turned to the 3 group projects we need to complete, and more importantly that Economics class that only has a midterm and final. That carries a bit more weight!

To ease my fears I emailed Professor Estrada (Economics) earlier in the week, and asked if we could spend some time after class just to casually discuss the content, and focus a bit on those equations. He obliged. Class let out ten minutes early, and I headed up to the white board where we discussed elasticities, supply, demand, and how to do some of the more simple equations. Professor reemphasized his concern more that we learn what to do with the material rather than memorize all of the equations. We proceeded to leave class, but stopped several times on the way to our cars to discuss professors who had made a difference in our lives, and their focus on the soul of the material they were covering. Before I knew it, 40 minutes had passed from when class had let out, and we were getting in our cars to leave. I really appreciated that Professor Estrada spent the extra time to cover the material, but more than that, to cover how Economics becomes a social science. I think what also made my night is that is appears to have everyone in class' name memorized, and on several occasions said something that refereed to a small detail I had mentioned before. He really pays attention to the details when it comes to his students.

I feel better each class for having chosen Concordia for my MBA.

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