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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ready to Manage Marketing

I can't believe we only have one more week of Marketing... and yet it seems like I've learned so much, but also just began the journey! We have one more week, which will be the final, and this week we did our group presentations, Group Facebook Page Reviews (My group won with the most followers!), and we took a test on the last three chapters.

I'm excited about what I've learned through Managerial Marketing. I feel that in my role, I can do so much more with strategy and purpose, which is a big deal for a nonprofit, and great for me and my skill set.

Next week we begin our journey into leadership, and I'm really looking forward to some introspection. There's been a recurring theme in my life over the last year... what's next? I am so glad I was able to land a job for a company I love, but it's important that I continue to grow, and I'm always one for having new goals, so its been important to me to redirect my efforts and continue to define my goals so I continue to live on purpose.

And now it's time for the drum roll.... I am thrilled with how I did on the economics test. I made a 91... and had I just spent a little more attention to my essay on shortages and price ceilings, I could have landed a 94! Anywho, I'm just thrilled to have an A in the class, and be thinking in terms of economics... even last night I was listening to some girly radio show on my drive home at 10:20PM, and they were discussing whether couples should go dutch on the first date. The radio host was talking about how women pay so much to get ready for the date (hairspray, new outfit, get their nails done) that they were "owed a meal". I was thinking about how this was somewhat of a economic financial view because it viewed implicit and explicit costs rather than just the balance sheet of an accounting financial view. Not that this insight was any bit important, but my new concepts are permeating my thoughts, so I feel great that my education is coming into play!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

In the big push

We are just past mid way for both classes and the last two weeks have been the biggest push to get everything done that we need to get done. I am happy to report the Mid Term in Econ is behind me. I got together with several other students for the day of the test and we took off and studied all day, which made all the difference. All of the econ terms had been floating in my head and available for recall if someone else mentioned a term, but now it seems that each definition is rooted and I can actually intelligently discuss the Law of Diminishing Returns, Surplus, Price Floors and Ceilings and all. I can't wait to see how I made out on the test!

Marketing class has been subtitled- A Crunch to Time. Some students are feeling it more than others, and while I'm not a fan of having 3 group projects due within 2 weeks, I'm going to try to do it with a happy heart, cause at least I will be a pro for SWOT analysis! The hard thing is with presentations there just wasn't enough time to even get all the presentations done within the amount of class time we were given. This next week we will then have a test, the rest of the presentations we didn't get to, group presentations and the Facebook group project presentations. The consensus in the class is that there's just no possible way of getting it all done. Something's gotta give, but we just aren't sure what it will be.

Well I have to get back to work on all the marketing projects due on Tuesday. Our group is getting together on Sunday, and then by Tuesday at 11 pm, I think I'll be able to catch a breath.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

7 or somewhere in the middle...

It's official, the weeks are starting to run together! I'm officially losing count if it weren't for this blog of what week we are in school. I'm feeling very happy that I made this decision to go to Concordia, and am finding that this feels to be the one thing I am doing for myself right now. I do this because I enjoy it, and I look forward to it.

Our class dynamic is great, and only makes my experience that much more enjoyable. We have a way to find make ourselves laugh, so there's an overall good comradery building in the class.

This week feels a bit like a pressure cooker... Tuesday is our individual project due date for Marketing, and Econ finally gets our grades rolling with a Mid-term. I know me and two other ladies are meeting up at campus, taking the day off of work, and studying all day. I was hoping to use last night to get some work done, but I decided to run, cook dinner, and catch up on my DVR with my husband. I think what I'm learning, beyond elasticities, marginal rules and channel marking (all concepts I was unfamiliar with just 7 weeks ago) is really learning how to make this balance with my life. There's a certain semblance of normalcy I'm trying to carry over, but I also just have a lot to get done. I'm needing to learn how to balance that with spending time with my husband, who is in grad school full time, and just learning how to make this new routine work for me.

Good news- there will be 1 10,000 scholarship available next year. I think everyone in the class will be going for it, but I'm hoping our one income on a non-profit salary and all my community involvement will give me a push in a good direction.

I hope to report by this time next week that the Econ Mid Term went well and my presentation knocked it out of the park... we'll see!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 6

This was a great week. What I'm sure was sparked from the thoughts shard on the Marketing Mid-Semester Evaluation, students freely asked Professor Warren about the course work, course load, and what to expect vs. previous expectations. I think we must have had about 25 minutes of open dialogue, and everyone seemed to feel the time was beneficially spent.

Professor Warren shared that in his MBA he was the 5th class to go through another program, and he said each year was a different MBA experience. He recognized that we are the "trail blazers" and really encouraged us to share our thoughts openly with Program Leadership.

I think one of the greatest differences between this professor and our Economics prof is the idea of what is the greatest help to us as students. My fellow students and Professor Warren agreed that 10 weeks to cover marketing with the text provided by the curriculum is just too much. His response is to test often, relating course work similarly to undergraduate testing routines. He recognizes that its been twenty years since some have been in this setting, and wanted to offer them a course that would ease the transition. Dr. Estrada sides with us being given realistic expectations in what our outside involements may be, and thus our grades are more heavily weighted on a midterm, final, group project and class participation instead of homework or quizzes.

This week is our evaluation of Economics and how it's going. I really enjoyed last night's class- feeling like for the first time I wasn't just trying to keep pace with the notes, but that I was jumping ahead in thought... that as income increases and decreases the line moves out or in, but parallel. And with a shift in product prices the line tilts. The book made mention of "clockwise", but until Dr. Estrada showed, I wasn't clearly grasping what that meant. I think Economics was never meant to be taught from a book. That clearly gives it a boring and lifeless reputation. Economics was meant to be a conversation, and in that packaging you get so much more out of it.

We'll see in two weeks how I feel about economics when we have our mid term. There's another Marketing test next week. I'm trying to fit it all in. Friday 7:30 AM - 8PM is the first big night of the music and arts festival I am co-chairing, and Saturday, my normal study day is going to be similar as we expect 3-5K people, and I'm so short on volunteers. I hope Sunday and Monday night I can fit my two worlds together accomplishing all I need to for work and school. It's a balancing routine... and I just have to make it through October.