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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 6

This was a great week. What I'm sure was sparked from the thoughts shard on the Marketing Mid-Semester Evaluation, students freely asked Professor Warren about the course work, course load, and what to expect vs. previous expectations. I think we must have had about 25 minutes of open dialogue, and everyone seemed to feel the time was beneficially spent.

Professor Warren shared that in his MBA he was the 5th class to go through another program, and he said each year was a different MBA experience. He recognized that we are the "trail blazers" and really encouraged us to share our thoughts openly with Program Leadership.

I think one of the greatest differences between this professor and our Economics prof is the idea of what is the greatest help to us as students. My fellow students and Professor Warren agreed that 10 weeks to cover marketing with the text provided by the curriculum is just too much. His response is to test often, relating course work similarly to undergraduate testing routines. He recognizes that its been twenty years since some have been in this setting, and wanted to offer them a course that would ease the transition. Dr. Estrada sides with us being given realistic expectations in what our outside involements may be, and thus our grades are more heavily weighted on a midterm, final, group project and class participation instead of homework or quizzes.

This week is our evaluation of Economics and how it's going. I really enjoyed last night's class- feeling like for the first time I wasn't just trying to keep pace with the notes, but that I was jumping ahead in thought... that as income increases and decreases the line moves out or in, but parallel. And with a shift in product prices the line tilts. The book made mention of "clockwise", but until Dr. Estrada showed, I wasn't clearly grasping what that meant. I think Economics was never meant to be taught from a book. That clearly gives it a boring and lifeless reputation. Economics was meant to be a conversation, and in that packaging you get so much more out of it.

We'll see in two weeks how I feel about economics when we have our mid term. There's another Marketing test next week. I'm trying to fit it all in. Friday 7:30 AM - 8PM is the first big night of the music and arts festival I am co-chairing, and Saturday, my normal study day is going to be similar as we expect 3-5K people, and I'm so short on volunteers. I hope Sunday and Monday night I can fit my two worlds together accomplishing all I need to for work and school. It's a balancing routine... and I just have to make it through October.

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