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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Inspiration Strikes... and its looking like a Capstone Opportunity

This week we completed Ethics and knocked out week 10 of Finance.  For Ethics we had 20 individual ethical situations that we had to respond to using 1-3 paragraphs.  It was thankfully a take home, or I never would have finished in class.  The final product- 17 pages, double spaced.  Must be one of the longest papers I've ever written in a weekend.

In Finance we talked about the WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital).  I still don't have it down yet, but I am amazed at how this class is the only one from the whole program that ends up in my dreams.  Even last night I remember waking up and thinking... "DON'T forget to take out the tax on debt!!!  Hmmm.. that was weird."

We were given a 10 minute break in Finance, so I got to talking with my friend about how she is going to be working on a specific project, and I was really excited for her, because something similar to what she's doing is on my bucket list.  She then shared how she had already had some success working on similar projects.  I'm not sure how it all happened, but I shared with her my desire to take business principles and make them applicable to nonprofits, to enable nonprofits the ability to increase efficiencies and systems so they can serve more with less.  I can clearly see how limited financial resources are going to have to make nonprofits streamline, but I understand the need to maintain the feeling and identity that come with not for profit work.  And it struck, a bolt of inspiration flashed, and the idea was born to marry this idea through this particular type of project.

Of course, now comes the part where we have to determine what is feasible, or even allowed for the capstone, since it is still in shades of grey.  We're going to work on solidifying the project's definatives, so that way we have something to intelligently talk about when getting together with Dr. Christian and Dr. Brazier.

Sorry for the ambivalence in sharing what exactly we are thinking about.  We just gotta get this a little further down the tracks before any announcements are made.

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